Effective Time Management Skills
Hamilton Mercer
- CPD Certification - Free
- Tutor is available to students
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When we manage our time effectively, we accomplish more and enhance the quality of our work. This leads to a healthier work-life balance and better well-being.
Hamilton Mercer’s Methodologies™ support individuals in getting organised, staying focused, increasing productivity, optimizing efficiency, and meeting crucial deadlines.
CPD Certification
Digital certificate - Included
This course is accredited by The CPD Standards Office (CPDSO) and is worth a total of 6 CPD Hours.
Upon completion, learners will be awarded with an Official CPD Certificate & Learning Reflection Tool, which can be included within a formal CPD record for a professional institute, regulator or employer.
Learning Objectives
Upon completing this course learners will be able to:
- Set achievable goals and pinpoint opportunities for optimising work schedules.
- Prioritise tasks based on their ‘importance’, ‘urgency’ and ‘significance’.
- Manage a variety of ‘planned’ and ‘unplanned’ tasks.
- Remain focused in office and hybrid working environments.
- Quickly assess the suitability of ad-hoc requests and manage expectations assertively.
Return on Investment
Performance outcomes include:
- Optimised productivity – doing more work, achieving more personal goals.
- Faster working – completing high-quality work more quickly.
- Delivering greater value – spending more time on high-value tasks and projects.
- Meeting more deadlines – due to improved attention management, focus and decision-making.
- Improved wellbeing – less stress, more control over workload.
Key points about Hamilton Mercer’s scheduled courses:
- Attendance on this course is limited to a maximum of eight learners, so you can be sure you’ll receive personal attention and opportunities to work one-to-one with the trainer
- Attendees complete a Pre-Course Questionnaire prior to attending the course, so we can identify your unique learning needs and provide you with a highly personalised experience
- You will complete a Personal Development Plan during the course to map your progress and help embed your new skills
- You will also be awarded a certificate of training on completion of the day
Who is this course for?
This course is tailored for individuals at any experience level or seniority who seek to improve their personal performance, well-being, and work-life balance.
Learners do not require any prior qualifications to enrol on this Effective Time Management Skills Course.
Career path
- ‘Own’ your time, so you feel in control of your schedule
- Prioritise your workload, and understand the difference between ‘important’ and ‘urgent’ tasks
- Cut out procrastination and move forward with the task at hand
- Analyse current use of time, and make improvements based on your findings
- Develop an organised approach to dealing with emails
- Make effective requests of others and refuse assertively
Questions and answers
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Legal information
This course is advertised on Reed.co.uk by the Course Provider, whose terms and conditions apply. Purchases are made directly from the Course Provider, and as such, content and materials are supplied by the Course Provider directly. Reed is acting as agent and not reseller in relation to this course. Reed's only responsibility is to facilitate your payment for the course. It is your responsibility to review and agree to the Course Provider's terms and conditions and satisfy yourself as to the suitability of the course you intend to purchase. Reed will not have any responsibility for the content of the course and/or associated materials.