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Microsoft Excel Essentials Level 2 - Intermediate & Advanced

by A. G. Jarvis Limited

Course overview

So, you have an understanding of the basics, but would you like to use Excel like the professionals? If so, read on…

For students who have already completed Level 1 in this series, or already have a good basic understanding of Excel, what you will learn in this course will supercharge your skills... and your career.

What you'll learn in this Level 2 Microsoft Excel course:

  • To Use Excel Like The Professionals
  • Build FIVE Powerful Advanced Excel Projects From Scratch
  • Create a fully functioning relational database using Excel
  • Create a simple data entry screen to auto-populate complex templates
  • Exploit Excel's built in advanced functions to do things "regular" users think are impossible!
  • Build Gantt charts in Excel for project planning
  • And Get Streets Ahead Of Your Competition

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Course rating

Over 170,000 Happy Students, in 204 Countries Are Enrolled In My Courses...And Those Courses Are Now Available on Reed! Hi, my name is Alan, and I have over thirty years of experience in... Read more