Coaching and Mentoring- Virtual Training
Practical Training for Professionals
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All organisations need talented people who are motivated to achieve. Coaching and mentoring has an important role to take here, because they are an excellent way of developing both skills and particularly a positive attitude towards work. Successful coaches and mentors recognise their role requires high levels of skill to be able to work both quickly and well. This course will equip you with these skills. An important feature of this course is the confidential setting, so delegates can explore and receive ideas on how to deal with their own real situations.
Coaching and Mentoring- Virtual Training - Timetable
09:30 Introductions and personal objectives
10:00 Differences between coaching and mentoring, including how clients try to avoid talking about real issues.
10.15 Coaching and mentoring as a cost effective strategic tool.
(Consideration of the cost effectiveness of coaching)
11:15 Syndicate discussion on professional boundaries & building relationships
(Opportunity for delegates to discuss real issues facing them. The session will also cover the setting of professional boundaries).
11:45 Personal qualities of an effective Coach.
(Delegates assess themselves against desirable qualities for a coach to possess)
12:15 Coaching process and key questioning skills
(The three step coaching process is described, followed by a game to explore questioning skills)
13:45 Understanding skills
(This session gives a range of techniques to increase understanding and includes practice in small groups)
14:15 Giving feedback and handling sensitive situations
(Feedback rules agreed, then delegates have the opportunity to work on real sensitive situations they need to resolve)
15:00 Coaching models
(Two coaching models are used, one for practical skills and the other for developing personal skills)
15:30 Practice session, using delegates' own situations
(Delegates both coach and receive coaching on an area of personal development)
16:30 Summary & Action Plans Agreed
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