Bookkeeping: Accounting & Finance Fundamentals
- Certificate of completion - Free
- Tutor is available to students
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This bookkeeping course covers the three main areas of finance and accounting. Learn about the income statement, profit and loss statement and what to look out for in business meetings. Take this course and impress your colleagues with your financial knowledge. Learn to value understand what makes a company tick and get fast-tracked up the promotion ladder.
Certificate of completion
Digital certificate - Included
Course media
Course Highlights
- Includes 19 lectures and over an hour of video content
- Learn to value understand what makes a company tick and get fast-tracked up the promotion ladder.
- Impress your colleagues with your financial knowledge.
- Learn about the 3 main areas of finance and accounting.
Course Overview
This course is suited to anybody who is planning a start-up business or who wants to be taken seriously by their colleagues and bosses. It's also ideal for entrepreneurs who want to quickly learn the language of business as well managers, directors and Vice Presidents. It will help you to convert your ambitions within business into real life feasible strategies.
Instructor Bio
Chris is a Coaching Finance specialist and is a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, Institute of directors, the Chartered Management Institute and Global Management Accountant. He has been in Financial Director roles for over 20 years and the last seven years were spent as the Managing Director of one of Boeing Aircraft's UK subsidiaries.
Course Curriculum
Accounting and Balancing
- Introduction
- Course Handbook
- First Transactions
- T Accounts intro
- T-Accounts conclusion
- Trial; Balance
- Income Statement
- Balance Sheet
Accounting and Assets
- Blance Sheet Variations
- Accounts in practise
- Accruals Accounting
- Accuals Accounting Fixes
- Accounts Receivable
- Course Notes
- Fixed Assets and Depreciation
- Stock and WIP full
Company Budgeting
- Sales budgeting
- Budgeting overview
- Gross Profits and Budgeting
- Budgeting compared with actuals
- Rounding Errors
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- All courses are taught by verified experts
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- Students get lifetime access to their courses so they can work at their own pace
- On completion, students receive a course certificate from a recognised educational institution
- Become a part of a global learning community where you can talk with teachers and students about the course
Who is this course for?
Suitable for anybody who is planning a start-up business, as well as entrepreneurs who want to quickly learn the language of business.
This course has no prerequisites
Career path
Become an expert in Bookkeeping
Questions and answers
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This course is advertised on by the Course Provider, whose terms and conditions apply. Purchases are made directly from the Course Provider, and as such, content and materials are supplied by the Course Provider directly. Reed is acting as agent and not reseller in relation to this course. Reed's only responsibility is to facilitate your payment for the course. It is your responsibility to review and agree to the Course Provider's terms and conditions and satisfy yourself as to the suitability of the course you intend to purchase. Reed will not have any responsibility for the content of the course and/or associated materials.