Evolutio Care Innovations Ltd Logo

Working at Evolutio Care Innovations Ltd

What we do

We are one of the leading NHS providers in community ophthalmology, enhanced clinical optometry care, ophthalmic referral support and technological enhancement in the sector. We work closely with primary care, acute trusts, patient groups and the NHS to develop and operate multiple services delivering safe eye care across the UK. Through working closely with all stakeholders involved in the sector, we can develop cutting edge pathways that are affordable, convenient and safe.

In 2011/12, ophthalmology accounted for the 8th highest level of NHS programme spend in England, with cataract surgery being the most common surgical procedure.

In the UK, the scale of partial sight loss and blindness is highlighted below:

  • 50% of sight loss is believed to be preventable (UK Vision Strategy)
  • 1 in 9 people over the age of 60 who live with sight loss in the UK (Fight for Sight)
  • Around 2 million people suffer with sight loss (vision below 6/12)
  • By 2050, it is estimated that 4 million people in the UK will suffer significant sight loss (RNIB)
  • £2bn is spent on eye care annually in England (DoH, 2012)
  • Sight loss and eye health costs the UK economy £8bn per year
  • Patients with sight loss have an increased risk of falls, depression, diabetes and stroke as well as suffering social isolation
  • Ophthalmology is the second highest referred specialism from GPs; 6.4 million out-patient consultations in 2010/11

Evolutio’s Integrated NHS e-Referral Referral Support Service provides an innovative and sustainable solution to managing patient pathways from referral to treatment across primary, community and secondary care.