The Firm’s founders chose London, United Kingdom for Euro Credit Holdings Limited’s ?agship headquarters o?ce. We recognized London as an epicentre of entrepreneurial strength and growth in the Atlantic Basin but perceived a dearth of wealth management companies that could serve the rapidly expanding needs of the region’s corporate leaders. We ?ll that vacuum with our team of ?nancial experts that utilize state-of-the-art technology to create bespoke wealth management places to match the energy and intelligence of our clients.
We view ourselves as partners with each of our clients, sitting on the same side of the table and pursuing shared goals. We zealously guard our independence as a private wealth management ?rm and we are insulated from in?uences that might work to our clients’ disadvantage. We have drawn our team members from the top international ?nancial services companies and we strive to maintain a multi-generational ?rm that is steeped in the knowledge and experience necessary to navigate the complexities of a client’s signi?cant wealth.
From our base in London, we offer wealth management services that encompass private equity, debt ?nancing and liquidity, family o?ce formation and advisory consultations, and solutions for all matters relating to public and private securities.
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