At EnAppSys, we are experts in processing, understanding and translating complex market data into easily understood results and information. Since 2003 the company has been working to create cloud-based data solutions for the GB power market, and we are now rolling out access across pan-European energy markets; with the company having rapidly expanded since 2014.
?We offer a product suite that delivers superior value and insight within the GB power market, and are in the process of rolling out a pan-European product to deliver similar capabilities across the wider energy sphere. This includes a product for the new I-SEM market and will be supported by gas market and weather forecasting information.
?We benefit from having very close links and frequent access to highly-skilled groups of traders across Europe who are at the very cutting edge of exploiting value from intraday power markets. This provides a very tight connection to the market and maintains a link to the on-going needs and requirements of high-value market traders.
?Our trading and historical analysis products also provide the backbone for our consultancy services that deliver accurate, reliable and bankable projections for market value along with detailed knowledge of market function and interactions. This focuses on value achievable from balancing and flexibility services.
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