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Working at Care England

What we do

Care England, a registered charity, is the leading representative body for independent care services in England.

Working on behalf of small, medium and large providers, Care England speaks with a single unified voice for both members and the whole care sector. Our membership includes organisations of varying types and sizes, amongst them single care homes, small local groups, national providers and not-for-profit voluntary organisations and associations. Between them they provide a variety of services for older people and those with long term conditions, learning disabilities or mental health problems.

Care England is committed to supporting a united, quality conscious, independent sector that offers real choice and value for money. Our aim is to create an environment in which care providers can continue to deliver and develop the high quality care that communities require and deserve.

Care England team is friendly, small but punchy. It works hard to represent a large and diverse range of members across the country.

The team is based in London and focuses on building good networks with Whitehall, Westminster, the press, its members and other stakeholders in the sector. It is a proactive body; the CEO is a straight talking champion of social care whilst the Director of Policy has an unrivalled wealth of knowledge.

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