We are people with and without learning difficulties and/or autism, working and learning together. Whether it’s to be seen working, be heard campaigning or belong to a friendly group of people, people achieve their goals with bemix.
We live and work in Kent. Most of our work is in Canterbury, Dover, Thanet, Sittingbourne and Medway but we do offer some support in other areas.
We co-produce and run projects which support people to learn skills, gain qualifications and become more confident and independent - Music & Media, Performing Arts, Carpentry and Upcycling, Catering, Supported Employment. We also work together with employers, businesses and services to make sure what they do is inclusive.
Why does our community interest company and social enterprise exist? (our vision). We want to live in a world where every single person is valued as an individual. In an ideal world, people with learning difficulties and autism would be fully and equally involved in all areas of society.
What do we believe here at bemix? (our values). We believe that all people should be treated as equals. All people should be valued as individuals. bemix wants to make sure that they are. With bemix, people can be seen · be heard · belong
We support people with learning difficulties and/or autism to speak up, make choices and become powerful and influential. We support them to gain opportunities and become more independent in learning, housing, work, health, money, travel, leisure and relationships.
We support people to hear, respect and empower people with learning difficulties and/or autism.
We promote positive action to challenge negative attitudes about disability.
We work with local communities so that people with learning difficulties and/or autism become fully included and no longer segregated.
bemix is:
Equal We should have an equal place and voice. It is possible to organise society so everyone can be fully in the mix, and not excluded.
We have qualities, abilities and potential. Taking time to understand us as individuals means we can be supported to achieve our goals and dreams. We have a right to choice and control over our own lives.
We should be seen, be heard and belong in our local community, including workplaces. A good society needs our contribution as much as everyone else’s.
We are the experts in our own lives. When we work together as equals with people who support us, everyone benefits.
be seen. be heard. belong
You will join a supportive, empathetic, experienced and forward looking organisation. We are a community interest company and all profit generated goes back into the organisation and the projects to enable bemix to grow and develop.
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