Our company "24hr Door and Frame Service" has extensive experience in the installation and service of sliding doors. Maintenance allows you to keep the doors in working order throughout the entire period of operation. A service agreement is the best choice to keep your automatic doors in good working order.
An automatic sliding door is a complex dynamic design that requires technical inspection and adjustment once a quarter, or at least once every six months.
Failure to regularly service automatic doors is often the reason for the failure of expensive components, and most importantly, the safety system for the operation of automatic doors and, as a result, leads to serious financial costs on the part of the company operating the automatic door drive. In some cases, even a minor, undetected malfunction leads to serious breakdowns, and sometimes to human injury. Do not forget that the entrance lobby is a visiting card of your building, and the general impression of visitors and clients about your company depends on the condition it is in.
The service price includes:
If you start having difficulties with sliding doors, please contact our company and we will quickly fix the problem.
Rendering services from the company "24hr Door and Frame Service" for the repair of sliding doors.