15ten15 is our date.
It’s when we started our journey of creating a community focussed on setting goals and achieving them. For us, this is disrupting the current recruitment industry for the better and moving it back towards a service for those it is supposed to help.
We want to engage with people outside the boxes of ‘candidate’ or ‘client’, and we want to get to know you beyond a piece of paper titled ‘CV’ or ‘invoice’.
We recognise there is far more to life than work, and therefore choose to embrace this instead of ignoring it. We appreciate uniqueness and understand that as an individual we all set ourselves targets in different areas, not just career development.
Whether you’re someone with aspirations of travel, personal fitness or creating more family time; we want to know what your goals are, and then we want to help you make them a reality. 15ten15 is not only a platform from which you can seek and share advice. But it is also a place designed to swap stories, experiences and accomplishments that can inspire you to get that one step closer to achieving your goals.
What is your date, and what does it mean?
What is your date, and what does it mean?
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