Average Health And Social Care salary in Kirkcaldy

Average Salary
The Average Health And Social Care salary in Kirkcaldy is £29,325
Low £27,300
High £35,000
Low £27,300
High £35,000
New jobs added in the last day.
Jobs in Reed.co.uk, ranging from £27,300 to £35,000.
Jobs that pay more than the average (£29,325).
View current Health And Social Care jobs in Kirkcaldy

Top-paying locations for Health And Social Care jobs

Location Average salary Salary range Jobs
£200,000 £135,000 - £265,000 2
£190,000 £130,000 - £250,000 8
£136,748 £136,748 - £136,748 1
£86,914 £76,050 - £113,100 7
£84,111 £44,000 - £170,000 5
£75,932 £8,450 - £545,025 20
£75,577 £28,352 - £107,250 3
£74,174 £41,500 - £180,000 9
£74,101 £29,250 - £234,001 20
£73,873 £62,500 - £86,619 3