Average Digital Analyst salary in Milton Keynes
The Average Digital Analyst salary in Milton Keynes is
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Jobs in Reed.co.uk, ranging from £57,500 to £57,500.
Jobs that pay more than the average (£57,500).
Top-paying locations for Digital Analyst jobs
Location | Average salary | Salary range | Jobs |
City of London | £80,000 | £80,000 - £80,000 | 1 |
Reading | £63,700 | £63,700 - £63,700 | 1 |
London | £60,678 | £39,500 - £94,575 | 14 |
Farnborough, Hampshire | £60,000 | £60,000 - £60,000 | 5 |
Birmingham | £55,000 | £55,000 - £55,000 | 1 |
Edinburgh | £55,000 | £52,500 - £60,000 | 5 |
Glasgow | £55,000 | £55,000 - £55,000 | 1 |
Yeovil | £55,000 | £55,000 - £55,000 | 1 |
Leicester | £53,750 | £45,000 - £62,500 | 2 |
Buckinghamshire | £49,000 | £49,000 - £49,000 | 1 |
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