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Ad Vitam Learning

4.7 (8 reviews)

About us

Ad Vitam [ahd wee-tahm;English ad vahy-tam]

Adverb Latin

1. for life

At Ad Vitam (for life) Learning we believe that learning is a life long,continuous process-whether it is formal or informal,mandatory training,continuous professional development (CPD) or a personal quest to learn more about a particular subject of interest.We endeavour to empower people to achieve their learning goals by providing a platform that is as accessible to candidates anywhere in the world. Our e-Learning platform supports learning without walls,Learning without borders, Learning on the move, at your convenience, day or night, at your own pace.

Ad Vitam Learning was not always here.....We have come a long way,after a decade in the healthcare recruitment sector, we recognise that provision of high quality,ever-evolving learning programmes that keep abreast with changes in regulation and industry requirements are required to not only ensure that workers are safe and compliant but also they are continually empowered thus improving efficiency and productivity. Our training programmes also aid employers to fulfil their legal and moral obligation by ensuring their staff are suitably qualified and trained.

From our base in the beautiful and historic Shropshire, we are actively innovating,developing and working in partnership with our accredited partners to bring you courses that are relevant and accessible to make learning as practicable as possible in our modern, busy lives.

Why choose us

Our Vision-empowering through knowledge

At Ad Vitam learning we have recognised that every individual can be empowered through knowledge and individuals and corporations have now accepted that the key to success is the ability to provide their staff with our quality assured learning.

Our vision is to provide a learning environment that expands far beyond the classroom and desktop and now learners can access courses via smart phones,tablets and phablets, meaning that our courses are accessible anywhere, any time on any device.This is already providing solutions that are are extensible, scalable, reliable and highly integrated

we strive to give our users the best customer service experience and support-we have a dedicated team available to support you at any stage of your learning journey with us

E-Learning Solutions

We know that not all learners and organisations have identical learning needs, hence we approach every learning requirement with the client's strategy, goals,inspirations and aspirations in mind. From providing the appropriate courses to supporting our learners with 24 hour support, our bespoke e-learning solutions can help individuals and corporations enhance their productivity. If there are any courses you may interested in that you cannot find in our vast array please send your enquiry to our friendly team and we will do our best to assist you.

Provider reviews

Provider rating

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{{ item.Title }}
Reviewed by {{ item.ReviewerName }}
|Purchased {{ getHumanisedPassageOftime(item.PurchasedOn) }}
{{ item.ProviderName }} responded to this review
{{ getLongDate(item.ProviderResponseDate) }}
{{ results.length }} out of {{ totalResultsCount }} reviews